As we continue to respond to the impact of COVID-19, the safety and well-being of SEIA employees and clients are of the highest importance. We have instituted the following policies for all SEIA offices and continue to rely on guidance from state and local authorities and the CDC to navigate the ongoing pandemic.
Protect Yourself and Others from COVID-19
- Stay home if you are sick with a cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, fever or chills or if you are currently under quarantine or isolation.
- Stay 6 feet away from other customers and staff as much as possible.
- Wear a face covering over your nose and mouth while you are here.
- Clean your hands with soap and water or hand sanitizer after contact with frequently touched surfaces.
Each office location follows the above COVID policy in addition to state and local regulations and office building policies. Our Century City office has taken the following actions:
Century City Building Policies
- Required to wear masks when coming and going from the building
- Reducing elevator occupancy to two people
- Installing automatic hand sanitizers throughout the common areas
- Redirecting foot traffic and adding directional signage to maintain 6-foot physical distance
- Frequent cleaning of restrooms
- Cleaning common areas and high touch surfaces 4 to 6 times per day
- Nightly cleaning of tenant office spaces: enhanced focus on high touch points, door handles, hard surfaces
- Parking garages are being cleaned as well
- Maximizing ventilation rates with fresh air exchange throughout the building