Market Commentary

106 posts categorized as "Market Commentary"

Market Commentary|September 2020

2020 FAQs: Trying to Make Sense of it All

Market Commentary|August 2020

2020 Election: What to Expect Going Forward

Market Commentary|July 2020

Is There Still Value in Value?

Market Commentary|July 2020

ESG Trends in the Time of COVID-19

Market Commentary|May 2020

Defense Wins Championships!

Market Commentary|May 2020

A Fresh Look at Monetary Policy (Q&A)

Market Commentary|April 2020

Oil, oil everywhere…

Market Commentary|March 2020

Key Provisions of the CARES Act Stimulus

Market Commentary|March 2020

The Fed and the Department of Public Works

Market Commentary|March 2020

Life Lessons Transcend School and Sports

Market Commentary|March 2020

Greed vs Fear

Market Commentary|March 2020

Coronavirus Update

Market Commentary|February 2020

Negative and Less than Zero II

Market Commentary|February 2020

Dow Jones Drops 1,031 Points!

Market Commentary|December 2019

Picking Your Spots in Fixed Income

Market Commentary|July 2019

Avoiding the Tax Tail Trap

Market Commentary|December 2018

The Low Hanging Fruit Has Been Plucked

Market Commentary|December 2018

Holiday Wish List

Market Commentary|October 2018

Dow Jones drops 831 points!

Market Commentary|October 2018

Q3: Raging vs Aging Bull

Market Commentary|May 2018

2018: The Sum of All Fears

Market Commentary|April 2018

Intra-Quarter Update

Market Commentary|January 2018

The New Tax Law: Winners and Losers

Market Commentary|December 2017

Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss (Part II)